The Actors Conservatory Element (ACE) is a group of teens who are passionate about the performing arts and who wish to grow as actors and technical crew members. Youth ages 12 - 18 who are interested in learning more about theatre are invited to join ACE by participating in any or all of our teen programs during the school year.
JOIN OUR MAILING LIST to be included in our ACE emails, find out about our season plans and ACE Night events, learn more about participation in the TNT Youth Conference, and hear about our Broadway touring show field trip!
FOR UP TO DATE TNT FUNDRAISING DATES AND OPPORTUNITIES, click on the “TNT Fundraising” button or scroll down for information on Specialty Star Decorating, Star Table Volunteering, and Bake Sale Participation.
Each June, ACE sends a group of teens to the Texas Non-Profit Theatres Youth Conference. Interested teens are given many opportunities to raise funds at The ACT throughout the entire year in order to offset their costs for the conference.
Conference cost varies due to changing costs for gas, hotels, food, etc, but a good estimate is $550 to attend the conference, without fundraising.
14 credits = a full portion of the money earned by the teens in fundraising
7 credits = a half portion of the money earned by the teens in fundraising
6 credits or fewer = no fundraising assistance
Fundraising opportunities for the TNT conference are year-round. Opportunities during our shows are a great way to earn credits. Work toward your goal this year by volunteering for the following events:
Specialty Star Decorating Sessions
Thursday, January 9, 7:30-9:00 pM - Joseph
Tuesday, March 25, 8:00-9:30 pM - The Sound of Music
Come decorate specialty stars to sell during the run of the show. You don't have to be an artist -- just neat with your work! Art supplies will be available, but feel free to bring your own markers or supplies if you prefer.
Stars that do not sell equal lost funds for us. Please arrive ready to decorate lots of quality stars: the more we sell, the more funding we have to share for the conference.
You do not need to sign up for this event. If you have questions, please email Ms. Christine.
Earn 1 credit for at least 5 quality stars.
Bake SaleS
Saturday, February 8-Saturday, February 15 - Joseph
Saturday, April 19-Saturday, April 26 - The Sound of Music
Three Options for Bake Sale Fundraising:
Make Homemade Goodies to Sell
Bring homemade goodies to sell on the first day. No credits for store-bought items! Email Ms. Christine to let her know what you are interested in doing or bringing.
Earn 2 credits for bringing a minimum of 2 dozen homemade treats.
Bake Sale Set-up/Clean-Up Crew
If you are in this show's cast/crew, arrange with Ms. Christine to set out and put away the baked goods and money every day. The same person will set up and clean up for each day of the sale, so you must be at the theatre each day without conflicts.
Earn 2 credits for being the cast/crew member in charge of set-up/clean-up for the entire sale.
Monitor the Bake Sale Table
If you are not in the cast of this show or not called to rehearse, you may sign up to monitor the bake sale table during a rehearsal.
Earn 1 credit for each time you work at the bake sale table during a rehearsal.
stars table volunteering
Two volunteers are needed to work the stars table during each performance. Please note that we need dedicated volunteers, not just teens to sit at the table or talk.
Email Ms. Christine to reserve a spot.** She will schedule you once and fill in a second time later, if one is available. Please send as many times as will work well for you so she can easily schedule you.
Earn 1 credit for each time worked.
Thursday, February 20, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Friday, February 21, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, February 22, 1:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, February 22, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Thursday, February 27, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Friday, February 28, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, March 1, 1:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, March 1, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Thursday, May 1, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Friday, May 2, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, May 3, 1:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, May 3, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Thursday, May 8, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Friday, May 9, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, May 10, 1:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
Saturday, May 10, 6:00 PM to after post-show sales/paperwork
TNT PERFORMANCES? Some of our TNT attendees perform a 50-minute play or musical at the conference. Auditions for roles in this select production and a call for applications for crew positions will be announced in an email to all ACE members.
COST? The cost for the conference varies according to the location, but ranges from $500 - $550, which includes an $105 registration fee per attendee, hotels, gas for transportation to the conference and back, and most meals. This is in addition to the $95 participation fee
CAN PARENTS AND FRIENDS ATTEND THE ACE TEENS PERFORMANCE AT THE TNT CONFERENCE? The most up to date information about TNT Conference policies can be found online at the TNT website. The ACT will also host an in-house performance of the ACE Teens show before the teens leave for the conference, which the public is invited to attend.
WHAT IS TNT? Each June, ACE sends a group of teens to the Theatre Network of Texas Youth Conference to learn more about all aspects of theatre. A four-day event organized exclusively for youth, participants have opportunities to attend theatre classes for their age group, join in improv classes, sign up for master classes, perform in a monologue competition, sing and dance as a member of our musical theatre ensemble competition pieces, view shows performed by participating theatres across Texas (including The ACT), and participate in nightly socials with other young people who share a mutual love of theatre.
WHO CAN REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE IN TNT? Registered conference attendance is open to any ACE member (ages 12-18) who attends at least one ACE event per semester.
HOW CAN I HELP A TEEN ATTEND THE CONFERENCE? Hardworking ACE Teens engage in fundraising year-round to help offset the cost of their trip and conference fees! Buy from our bake sales, buy specially- decorated stars at shows, attend or even host a TNT garage sale, buy tickets to the TNT show, or make a donation. Every little bit helps send a deserving teen to the conference!
questions about ace Teens, Fundraising, or TNT?
Write us an email and we will get back to you as soon we can.