the sound of music (youth edition):
Every child ages 5 and up who auditions receives a role
Participation fee of $95; $85 for 7-Event Subscribers
Mandatory Parent Meeting on March 22
20 hours of family volunteer service required, in addition to working some performances
Completed Cast Registration Checklist must be turned in prior to receiving a script
Auditions for The Sound of Music will take place by appointment on Tuesday, March 18 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment for an audition, click here: Audition Appointments. Click on “See Dates,” select a time and complete the form. If you have questions or concerns, send an email to
AUDITION APPLICATION | The Audition Application may be downloaded and completed prior to auditions or may be completed at the audition, but must be signed by a parent or guardian for every child under 18 years of age. Please read the Actor and Parent Handbook for further information prior to auditioning.
PREPARING SONGS and/or MONOLOGUES | Those auditioning should prepare either: 1) two contrasting songs of 1-minute or less each, or 2) a song of 1-minute or less and a monologue of 1-minute or less. Selections should reflect the role most desired, and the songs should be in the style of the show. Bring electronic accompaniment, which is preferred; a cappella is acceptable, but not recommended.
CONFLICTS | All potential conflicts must be indicated on the Audition Application. A commitment to attend all rehearsals not indicated as conflicts will be required. Attending all of tech week and all cast performances is required. Conflicts submitted after casting cannot be accommodated and will be considered unexcused. See the rehearsal and performance calendar below for dates and times.
As a result of the extreme increase in the number of conflicts that we are seeing, we will no longer cast anyone who is unable to attend 80% of the total rehearsal hours (not including tech week) allotted to a given show. The Sound of Music has 50 ensemble rehearsal hours and 58 principal rehearsal hours. We are also unable to cast those who have a performance conflict. While we want our performers to enjoy all types of activities, it is also important that their commitment to rehearse here is such that it allows them and their castmates to reach their full potential. As per the handbook, cast members who have an excessive number of unexcused conflicts during the rehearsal process can be removed from numbers at the discretion of the production team.
CALLBACKS | Callbacks will be held Thursday, March 20 from 5:00-8:00. Everyone will attend a standard dance call. If the casting committee would like to see you for a named role, you will be notified by email. Being asked to attend callbacks is not an indication of how casting will occur.
CAST REGISTRATION CHECKLIST | The Cast Registration Checklist requires that paperwork, payment, and parent meeting attendance are complete prior to scripts being distributed. You will receive further instructions at the audition.
CAST LIST | The cast list will be emailed to the email address listed on the Audition Application and posted on this website's Current Show page on Friday, March 21 at 9:30 p.m.
CREW | Teens interested in tech or crew positions should submit an online Crew Application no later than April 10 for optimum placement and inclusion in the program. Placement will depend on availability and experience.
MANDATORY PARENT MEETING | Attendance at a Parent Meeting is mandatory and will take place Saturday, March 22 during the read-through. Scripts will be given to cast members once Parent Meeting attendance has been verified, if all other checklist items have also been completed.
SCRIPT DISTRIBUTION | On Saturday, March 22 a read-through of the script will take place to acquaint each actor with the musical, as well as with their role. Scripts will be distributed only to cast members who have returned their completed Cast Registration Checklist.
CHILDREN UNDER 10 YEARS OF AGE | All children under ten must be accompanied by a parent or guardian 18 or older at all rehearsals and performances.
HEADSHOTS | Please note only headshots taken by The ACT’s official photographer will be accepted for the program. Headshots will be taken during the potluck on Saturday, March 22.
MANDATORY VOLUNTEER HOURS | This is a volunteer-driven, staff managed theatre. Your help and support are required and appreciated for the success of each show and in order to keep our participation fees low.
WHERE DO AUDITIONS TAKE PLACE? Auditions take place at the theatre, which is located at 359 Lake Park Rd, Suite 118 in Lewisville. Upon arrival, park in the east parking lot and enter through the main doors.
WHAT WILL AUDITIONS BE LIKE? Each director holds auditions differently. For this production, auditions will be closed. Those auditioning will be called individually before the director and casting committee. When a child enters the audition space, he/she should slate - give his/her name and age and tell the directors what he/she will be performing. After the audition, the child is free to leave.
WHAT SHOULD I SING IN MY AUDITION? Choose a song in the style of the show that showcases your vocal ability - pitch, placement, breath support, and vocal range. If you are interested in a specific role, choose a song that is reflective of the role desired and will show the director that you can perform that role. It does not need to be a song from the show for which you are auditioning. Younger, less experienced performers can simply sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," their ABC’s, or can choose something more complicated if desired. Whatever you choose, make sure to remain under the 1-minute time limit.
I READ THAT EVERYONE WHO AUDITIONS RECEIVES A ROLE. WHAT IF I AM ONLY INTERESTED IN CERTAIN ROLES? There is a place on the audition application to state this. Make sure to write the word “only” after you have listed the role(s). If the director chooses not to cast you in the “only” roles you have chosen, one of two things will happen: 1) You will not be cast in the show, or 2) You will receive a phone call from the assistant director or stage manager offering you another role in the show. It is probable that if you do not receive the specific role(s) you listed, you will not be offered an alternate role.
WHAT IF I AM OUT OF TOWN ON THE AUDITION DATE? Those who are not able to audition on the scheduled audition date will need to submit an Audition Application from this website and an audition video to by the time the first audition begins. Include the show for which you are auditioning in your subject line.
HOW WILL I BE NOTIFIED OF A CALLBACK? Not everyone will receive a callback. Most of the time, the director sees what he/she needs to see during the audition and makes decisions based on the audition. If the director needs to see you again, you will receive an email with an invitation to attend callbacks and further instructions. Everyone who auditions will need to attend a dance call.
WHAT IS A CALLBACK LIKE? No two callbacks are the same. You could simply be asked to just show up, or you could be asked to prepare a specific song or memorize a few lines from the show. The casting committee will look for how well you portray the character, how focused you remain, how expressive you are, how natural your choices are, and if you are directable. Try not to stress about it and just be yourself!
WHAT ARE REHEARSALS LIKE? We begin by teaching music and choreography, and then move to staging and running through the show. Not everyone will be called to every rehearsal on the calendar. Principal roles will be called to most every rehearsal including any extended hours listed.
I AM INTERESTED IN A PRODUCTION CREW POSITION. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? Submit the production crew application from this website by April 10. Teens 13 and older are eligible for production crew positions.
WHAT IF I HAVE ALREADY ATTENDED A PARENT MEETING? The Parent Meeting must be attended once per season, beginning with the summer production. Once you have attended a Parent Meeting in the 26th season that began with the summer production of Shrek Jr, you do not need to attend another until next season. You are exempt from attending the parent meeting once you have attended for three seasons.
MAY ADULTS AUDITION? Adults may audition, but are not guaranteed a role. An adult participant is an actor who is age 19 or older, unless the actor is age 19 and is still enrolled in high school. If an actor turns 19 during a season and the actor is still enrolled in high school at the beginning of that season, the actor remains eligible to audition as a child participant until the end of that same season. Adults also pay the participation fee and are responsible for the family volunteer hours.